Hello Newman Logo Link

New Website!

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Welcome to our brand new Hello Newman Website!

This is where you'll find everything you need to know, and probably a whole load of stuff you didn't, about Maine's 'Hello Newman' – who we are, where we're playing, what we look and sound like, and how to book us. For even more information and media we still have our Facebook page which can be accessed (and liked) by clicking the link at the top of every page.

We've added some cool content for you to check out so here are some tips to help you navigate the site:


Below the moody and sultry band shot you'll find details of our upcoming gigs as well as links to our four most recent news articles.


All new and archived Hello Newman news articles and updates, including reviews and show promos, will appear here.


Details of Hello Newman's formation and meteoric rise to greatness.


Here you'll find the full listings for all our gig bookings over the next few months. More will appear as they get booked so keep checking back.

We've added a couple of great features on this page that you need to know about:

Subscribe lets you subscribe to our Hello Newman calendar on your mobile device ( iCalendar support only ). A 'Hello Newman' calendar will appear in your calendar app that can be toggled on or off. This means that as we add more gigs, your calendar will update meaning you will never miss a gig again. Neat!

Download as PDF lets you download the entire calendar as a PDF to either print or save.


Band studio shots and live gig galleries will appear here. At the moment we have some great photos taken by Matthew Robbins. You can check out more of his work at Matthew Robbins Photography

Audio and Video

This is where you can see and hear what we do. More content will be appearing here over the coming months.

Song List

Our entire song list. We'll update this as we throw more songs into the set.


This is what some of our clients have said about us after we played their wedding or party.


Want to book us? This is where you do it. Just fill in the required fields and we'll get back to you.

Thanks to the magicians at ThenMedia for their tireless work.

© 2025 – Hello Newman